
General information

The Iberian Evaporite Structure Database (IESDB) includes a complete review of evaporite structures and surrounding rocks that crop out or are buried within Iberia, including undeformed to slightly deformed successions, diapirs, evaporite-cored anticlines, evaporite-detached thrusts and allochthonous evaporite bodies.

Evaporite structures included in the IESDB are selected according with the following criteria:

  • Located onshore Iberia.
  • When outcropping, minimum exposed area of 0.5 km2.
  • When buried, seismic and/or well data availability and minimum horizontal interesection area of 1.5 km2 at 0.5 km depth.
  • Mentioned at least in ten peer-reviewed articles.
  • Stratigraphy and structure of the evaporites and surrounding rocks directly adressed in at least one peer-reviewed article or industry report.
Find more about the indexation criterions in the data description article.

Data sources

The IESDB is sourced from over 1,500 classified references and six thematic open-access databases.

Classified references include, among others, published scientific articles and conference abstracts, books and book chapters, PhD thesis, and published and unpublished industry reports. They can be found classified according to their main knowledge area in the unique web section of each indexed evaporite structure, cited with APA format edition and linked to their online versions with hyperlinks (Digital Object Identifiers or, when not available, generic URLs).

The thematic databases from which the IESDB is sourced are:

  • SEismic DAta REpository (SEISDARE) - Geosciences Barcelona (GEO3BCN-CSIC) [link]. Last access: May 2022.
  • Cartografia geológica digital continua a escala 1:50.000 (GEODE) - Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (IGMECSIC) [link]. Last access: May 2022.
  • Well Data Catalogue - Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (IGME-CSIC) [link]. Last access: May 2022.
  • Geophysical Information System (SIGEOF) - Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (IGME-CSIC) [link]. Last access: May 2022.
  • Spanish National Mining Cadastre - Spanish Government - Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico [link]. Last access: May 2022.
  • Panorama Minero Minning Inventory - Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (IGME-CSIC) [link]. Last access: May 2022.
The geological maps from Spain (IGME), Portugal (LNEG) and Catalonia have also been used for the geological mapping of the evaporite structures:
  • MAGNA50 Map Series: Mapa Geológico Contínuo de España a Escala 1:50,000. Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (IGME-CSIC) [link]. Last access: May 2022.
  • LNEG Service: Carta Geológica de Portugal à escala 1:50,000. Laboratorio Nacional de Energia e Geologia (LNEG) [link]. Last access: May 2022.
  • ICGC Vissir Service: Mapa Geològic de Catalunya 1:50,000. Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya (ICGC) [link]. Last access: May 2022.

Contents and Database structure

The Iberian Evaporite Structure Database (IESDB) includes up to 454 information fields for each indexed evaporite structure. Information fields are classified in seven datasets according to the type and format of the information that they contain. Generic Data (31 fields), Mining Data (20 fields), Well and Seismic Data (228 fields), Geographic Data (120 fields), Quantitative Data (9 fields), Reference Data (38 fields), and Image Data (8 fiels). The quality and quantity of the information fields of each structure depends on its type, actual knowledge, and geoscientific interest. Thus, there are structures which have complete information in all the datasets, whilst some information fields are missing in others.
Users can find a complete description of each dataset in the data description article.

Iberian Evaporite Resource Database

Complete list of the evaporite structures included in the IESDB


The Iberian Evaporite Structure Database (IESDB) is licensed under Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 International License [link]. Users are able to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the IESDB contents, even commercially, as long as they credit the IESDB Team for the original creation.

The IESDB follows the FAIR principles of data management (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable).

Rightsholders copyright permissions have been checked for all the already published figures reproduced in the IESDB website. The availability, accuracy and scale of figures related some of the indexed evaportie structures are thus restricted to the open-access and reproducibility policies of the diferent data sources/publishers. This fact prevented the IESDB Team from sharing the most up-to-date figure data on some of the indexed structures.


We are open to feedback from users! Plesase, if you have any suggestion for future updates, do not hesitate to contact us through our contact form.


While the advice and information in the IESDB website is believed to be true and accurate, neither the authors, the University of Barcelona, nor Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) can accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may have occurred. The IESDB Team makes no guarantee, expressed or implied, with respect to the material contained herein. The IESDB Team remains neutral with regard to structural/stratigraphical/geophysical information and interpretations of any indexed evaporite structure. All the information included in the IESDB is exclusively sourced from published research outputs and published industry reports, which are referenced and linked in the unique web sections of each inventoried structure.

The IESDB Team declares that they have no known conflict of interest.