General Information

Structure type
Geological Setting
Evaporite unit/s name
Evaporite unit/s age
Evaporite unit/s origin
Classif. (Hudec and Jackson, 2009)
Classif. (Jackson and Talbot, 1986)
Age of evaporite flow or deformation (when deformed)
Other comments Formed under open to semi closed shallow lakes with moderate terrigenous influx. Synsedimentary fault tectonics, input of sediment and water and climate were the main controls of deposition.



Map (detail)


Geological map


Cross section


Structure type (Hudec and Jackson, 2009)


Regional Stratigraphy


Other maps 1


Other maps 2

Generic Data

Unique ID 140
Name Íscar-Cuéllar
Structure type Evaporite body
Deformed/Undeformed Undeformed
Buried/Outcropping Outcropping
Geological setting Duero basin
Geological Regional Setting Valladolid Sector
Evaporite unit/s name Cuestas Facies
Evaporite unit/s age Middle Miocene
Evaporite unit/s era Cenozoic
Evaporite unit/s origin Continental
Evaporite unit/s composition Marlstone-Gypsum
Post-kinematic unit/s (or post-evaporite units when evaporites are undeformed) Upper Miocene (Páramo Limestone Fm., limestones, dolostones and marlstones) ; Quaternary (alluvial and colluvial detrital deposits)
Post-kinematic unit/s age (or post-evaporite units when evaporites are undeformed) Upper Miocene-Holocene
Classification (Hudec and Jackson, 2009) No diapirism
Classification (Jackson and Talbot, 1986) No diapirism
Mining activity? Y
Mining activity start
Mining activity end Active
Mining galleries? N
Mining products Gypsum
Mining sub-products
Evaporite flow? N
Age of evaporite flow
Flow or deformation triggering mechanisms
Flow-linked structures?
Halokinetic structures
Post-evaporite and pre-kinematic unit/s (overbuden)
Syn-kinematic unit/s
Available seismic profiles ILIHA D-A
Available boreholes V-01-2 / V-01-3 / V-01-1 / VALLELADO-5
Additional comments Formed under open to semi closed shallow lakes with moderate terrigenous influx. Synsedimentary fault tectonics, input of sediment and water and climate were the main controls of deposition.

Mining Data

Minning exploitations within <2km? Y
Historical/Active Historical (not indexed in the Spanish National Minning Cadastre)
Exploitation name #1 n.a.
Exploitation ID (Spanish National Mining Cadastre) #1 n.a.
Municipality #1 n.a.
Province #1 n.a.
Company #1 n.a.
Main minning Products #1 Gypsum
Exploitation name #2
Exploitation ID (Spanish National Mining Cadastre) #2
Municipality #2
Province #2
Company #2
Main minning Products #2
Exploitation name #3
Exploitation ID (Spanish National Mining Cadastre) #3
Municipality #3
Province #3
Company #3
Main minning Products #3

Quantitative Data

Outcropping area (km2) 97.13622
Horizontal intersection area (km2) (when buried) Not buried
Depth of intersection area (km2) (when buried) Not buried
Max. Width (Km) 12.8
Max. Length (Km) 28.2
Max. Evaporites thickness (km) 0.4
Max. Deformation age (Ma)
Min. Deformation age (Ma)
Deformation stages 0

Reference Data

Section source IGME MAGNA 50. SHEET 401 (CUÉLLAR)
Well / Borehole availability #1 n.a.
Well / Borehole availability #2 n.a.
Available data (Stratigraphy) #1 Armenteros, I., 1991. Contribución al conocimiento del Mioceno lacustre de la Cuenca terciaria del Duero (sector centro-oriental, Valladolid-Peñafiel-Sacramenia-Cuéllar). Acta geológica hispánica, 97-131. [link]
Available data (Stratigraphy) #2 López, R. M. M., 1986. Sedimentología de los yesos del sector central de la Depresión del Duero. Acta geológica hispánica, 21(1), 35-44. [link]
Available data (Stratigraphy) #3 Armenteros, I., 1991. Significado estratigráfico de dos alteraciones en el Mioceno superior de la Cuenca del Duero. Geogaceta, 10, 33-35. [link]
Available data (Stratigraphy) #4 Santisteban Navarro, J. I., Mediavilla López, R. M., Martín Serrano, Á., Dabrio, C. J., 1996. The Duero Basin: a general overview. In Tertiary basins of Spain : the stratigraphic record of crustal kinematics / edited by Peter F. Friend and Cristino J. Dabrio. World and regional geology series . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge ; New York, pp. 183-187. [link]
Available data (Stratigraphy) #5 Sahún, B., Gómez Fernández, J. J., Lillo, J., Olmo, P. D., 2004. Arsénico en aguas subterráneas e interacción agua-roca: un ejemplo en la cuenca terciaria del Duero (Castilla y León, España). Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España, 17(1-2), 137-155. [link]
Available data (Stratigraphy) #6 Sanz-Montero, M. E., Rodríguez-Aranda, J. P., del Cura, M. A. G., 2009. Bioinduced precipitation of barite and celestite in dolomite microbialites: examples from Miocene lacustrine sequences in the Madrid and Duero Basins, Spain. Sedimentary Geology, 222(1-2), 138-148. [link]
Regional Stratigraphy Armenteros, I., 1991. Contribución al conocimiento del Mioceno lacustre de la Cuenca terciaria del Duero (sector centro-oriental, Valladolid-Peñafiel-Sacramenia-Cuéllar). Acta geológica hispánica, 97-131. [link]
Seismic data availability #1 Diaz, J., Gallart Muset, J., Córdoba, D., Senos, L., Matias, L., Suriñach, E., …, Maguire, P., 2020. The ILIHA deep seismic sounding experiment (Iberian LIthosphere Heterogeneity and Anisotropy). DigitalCSIC – SEISDARE data repository. [link]
Seismic data availability #2 n.a.
Seismic data availability #3 n.a.
Available data (Structure) #1 López, R. M. M., 1986. Sedimentología de los yesos del sector central de la Depresión del Duero. Acta geológica hispánica, 21(1), 35-44. [link]
Available data (Structure) #2 Santisteban Navarro, J. I., Mediavilla López, R. M., Martín Serrano, Á., Dabrio, C. J., 1996. The Duero Basin: a general overview. In Tertiary basins of Spain : the stratigraphic record of crustal kinematics / edited by Peter F. Friend and Cristino J. Dabrio. World and regional geology series . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge ; New York, pp. 183-187. [link]
Available data (Structure) #3 Yenes, M., Monterrubio, S., Nespereira, J., Santos, G., Fernández-Macarro, B., 2015. Large landslides induced by fluvial incision in the Cenozoic Duero Basin (Spain). Geomorphology, 246, 263-276. [link]
Available data (Structure) #4 Granado, P., Ferrer García, J. O., Butillé, M., Muņoz, J. A., Roca i Abella, E., Ballesteros, J. C., …, González, P., 2012. Geometría 3d, Estructura y formación de la cuenca del Duero en el contexto geodinámico del orógeno pirenaico. Geo-Temas, 2012, vol. 13. [link]
Available data (Structure) #5 n.a.
Available data (Structure) #6 n.a.
Available data (Analogue modelling) #1 n.a.
Available data (Analogue modelling) #2 n.a.
Available data (Analogue modelling) #3 n.a.
Available data (Gravimetry – Tomography) #1 Ayala, C., Bohoyo, F., Maestro, A., Reguera, M. I., Torne, M., Rubio, F., Fernández, M., García-Lobón, J. L., 2016. Updated Bouguer anomalies of the Iberian Peninsula: a new perspective to interpret the regional geology. Journal of Maps, 12(5), 1089-1092. [link]
Available data (Gravimetry – Tomography) #2 n.a.
Available data (Gravimetry – Tomography) #3 n.a.
Available data (Geochemistry) #1 Gómez, J. J., Lillo, J., Sahún, B., 2006. Naturally occurring arsenic in groundwater and identification of the geochemical sources in the Duero Cenozoic Basin, Spain. Environmental Geology, 50(8), 1151-1170. [link]
Available data (Geochemistry) #2 Sahún, B., Gómez Fernández, J. J., Lillo, J., Olmo, P. D., 2004. Arsénico en aguas subterráneas e interacción agua-roca: un ejemplo en la cuenca terciaria del Duero (Castilla y León, España). Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España, 17(1-2), 137-155. [link]
Available data (Geochemistry) #3 n.a.
Available data (Geochemistry) #4 n.a.
Available data (Petrophysics) #1 n.a.
Available data (Petrophysics) #2 n.a.
IGME Geological Map (MAGNA50) Sheet number 401-Cuéllar. [link]
Other Maps #1 (source) Antón, L., Muñoz-Martín, A., De Vicente, G., 2019. Quantifying the erosional impact of a continental-scale drainage capture in the Duero Basin, northwest Iberia. Quaternary Research, 91(2), 457-471. [link]
Other Maps #2 (source) López, R. M. M., 1986. Sedimentología de los yesos del sector central de la Depresión del Duero. Acta geológica hispánica, 21(1), 35-44. [link]
Other related references #1 Herrero, A., Alonso-Gavilán, G., Colmenero, J. R., 2010. Depositional sequences in a foreland basin (north-western domain of the continental Duero basin, Spain). Sedimentary geology, 223(3-4), 235-264. [link]
Other related references #2 Huerta, P., Armenteros, I., 2005. Calcrete and palustrine assemblages on a distal alluvial-floodplain: a response to local subsidence (Miocene of the Duero basin, Spain). Sedimentary Geology, 177(3-4), 253-270. [link]
Other related references #3 Sanz-Montero, M. E., Rodríguez-Aranda, J. P., Garcia Del Cura, M. A., 2008. Dolomite–silica stromatolites in Miocene lacustrine deposits from the Duero Basin, Spain: the role of organotemplates in the precipitation of dolomite. Sedimentology, 55(4), 729-750. [link]
Other related references #4 n.a.