General Information

Structure type
Geological Setting ,
Evaporite unit/s name
Evaporite unit/s age
Evaporite unit/s origin
Classif. (Hudec and Jackson, 2009)
Classif. (Jackson and Talbot, 1986)
Age of evaporite flow or deformation (when deformed)
Other comments The onset of diapirism is unknown.



Map (detail)


Geological map


Cross section


Structure type (Hudec and Jackson, 2009)


Regional Stratigraphy


Other maps 1


Other maps 2

Generic Data

Unique ID 12
Name Del Hoyo (Los Hoyos)
Structure type Evaporite diapir
Deformed/Undeformed Deformed
Buried/Outcropping Outcropping
Geological setting Betic System
Geological Regional Setting Pre-Betic Cordillera
Evaporite unit/s name Keuper facies
Evaporite unit/s age Carnian-Rhaetian (Upper Triassic)
Evaporite unit/s era Mesozoic
Evaporite unit/s origin Marine
Evaporite unit/s composition Gypsum-Halite-Anhydrite-Claystone
Post-kinematic unit/s (or post-evaporite units when evaporites are undeformed) Quaternary (alluvial and colluvial detrital deposits)
Post-kinematic unit/s age (or post-evaporite units when evaporites are undeformed) Holocene
Classification (Hudec and Jackson, 2009) Ductile piercement
Classification (Jackson and Talbot, 1986) Salt stock
Mining activity? Y
Mining activity start
Mining activity end
Mining galleries?
Mining products Gypsum
Mining sub-products
Evaporite flow? Y
Age of evaporite flow Active now
Flow or deformation triggering mechanisms
Flow-linked structures? Y
Halokinetic structures Elevation and folding of the Plio-Quaternary (alluvial and colluvial detrital deposits)
Post-evaporite and pre-kinematic unit/s (overbuden) Quaternary (alluvial and colluvial detrital deposits)
Syn-kinematic unit/s
Available seismic profiles
Available boreholes
Additional comments

Mining Data

Minning exploitations within <2km? Y
Historical/Active Active
Exploitation name #1 CARLOS DAVID
Exploitation ID (Spanish National Mining Cadastre) #1 230
Municipality #1 Archidona
Province #1 MALAGA
Main minning Products #1 Gypsum
Exploitation name #2 VIRGEN DE GRACIA
Exploitation ID (Spanish National Mining Cadastre) #2 30223
Municipality #2 Loja
Province #2 GRANADA
Main minning Products #2 Gypsum
Exploitation name #3
Exploitation ID (Spanish National Mining Cadastre) #3
Municipality #3
Province #3
Company #3
Main minning Products #3

Quantitative Data

Outcropping area (km2) 19.36262
Horizontal intersection area (km2) (when buried) Not buried
Depth of intersection area (km2) (when buried) Not buried
Max. Width (Km) 5.6
Max. Length (Km) 5.5
Max. Evaporites thickness (km) 0.9
Max. Deformation age (Ma)
Min. Deformation age (Ma) Active
Deformation stages 1

Reference Data

Section source Gil-Márquez, J. M., Mudarra, M., Andreo, B., Linares, L., Carrasco, F., & Benavente, J., 2016. Hydrogeological characterization of the Salinas-Los Hoyos evaporitic karst (Malaga province, S Spain) using topographic, hydrodynamic, hydrochemical and isotopic methods. Acta Carsologica, 45(2). [link]
Well / Borehole availability #1 n.a.
Well / Borehole availability #2 n.a.
Available data (Stratigraphy) #1 Daudet, M., Mouthereau, F., Brichau, S., Crespo‐Blanc, A., Gautheron, C., Angrand, P., 2020. Tectono‐stratigraphic and thermal evolution of the western Betic flysch: implications for the geodynamics of South Iberian margin and Alboran Domain. Tectonics, 39(7), 6093. [link]
Available data (Stratigraphy) #2 Calaforra, J.M., Pulido-Bosch, A., 1993. The hydrochemistry and morphology of the triassic gypsum in the Salinas-Fuente Camacho Area (Granada). In: Pulido-Bosch, A. (ed.) Some Spanish Karstic Aquifers. University of Granada, pp. 387–389, Granada. [link]
Available data (Stratigraphy) #3 Peyre, Y., 1974. Géologie d’Antequera et de sa région: Cordillères Bétiques-Espagne, [Ph.D. thesis]: Institut national agronomique Paris-Grignon, 528 p. [link]
Available data (Stratigraphy) #4 Carrasco, F., Durán, J.J., Calaforra, J.M., 2007. El Trías de Antequera. In: Durán, J.J. (ed) Atlas hidrogeológico de la provincia de Málaga. Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, Diputación de Málaga, pp. 206–210, Madrid. [link]
Available data (Stratigraphy) #5 n.a.
Available data (Stratigraphy) #6 n.a.
Regional Stratigraphy Daudet, M., Mouthereau, F., Brichau, S., Crespo‐Blanc, A., Gautheron, C., Angrand, P., 2020. Tectono‐stratigraphic and thermal evolution of the western Betic flysch: implications for the geodynamics of South Iberian margin and Alboran Domain. Tectonics, 39(7), 6093. [link]
Seismic data availability #1 n.a.
Seismic data availability #2 n.a.
Seismic data availability #3 n.a.
Available data (Structure) #1  Rodríguez-Estrella, T., 1983: Neotectónica relacionada con las estructuras diapíricas en el Sureste de la Península Ibérica.- Tecniterrae, 51, 14–30. [link]
Available data (Structure) #2 Pérez-López, A., Sanz de Galdeano, C., 1994. Tectónica de los materiales triásicos en el sector central de la Zona Subbética (Cordillera Bética). Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España, 7, 141–153. [link]
Available data (Structure) #3 Calaforra, J.M., Pulido-Bosch, A., 1993. The hydrochemistry and morphology of the triassic gypsum in the Salinas-Fuente Camacho Area (Granada). In: Pulido-Bosch, A. (ed.) Some Spanish Karstic Aquifers. University of Granada, pp. 387–389, Granada. [link]
Available data (Structure) #4 Gil-Márquez, J. M., Mudarra, M., Andreo, B., Linares, L., Carrasco, F., & Benavente, J., 2016. Hydrogeological characterization of the Salinas-Los Hoyos evaporitic karst (Malaga province, S Spain) using topographic, hydrodynamic, hydrochemical and isotopic methods. Acta Carsologica, 45(2). [link]
Available data (Structure) #5 Peyre, Y., 1974. Géologie d’Antequera et de sa région: Cordillères Bétiques-Espagne, [Ph.D. thesis]: Institut national agronomique Paris-Grignon, 528 p. [link]
Available data (Structure) #6 n.a.
Available data (Analogue modelling) #1 n.a.
Available data (Analogue modelling) #2 n.a.
Available data (Analogue modelling) #3 n.a.
Available data (Gravimetry – Tomography) #1 Ayala, C., Bohoyo, F., Maestro, A., Reguera, M. I., Torne, M., Rubio, F., Fernández, M., García-Lobón, J. L., 2016. Updated Bouguer anomalies of the Iberian Peninsula: a new perspective to interpret the regional geology. Journal of Maps, 12(5), 1089-1092. [link]
Available data (Gravimetry – Tomography) #2 n.a.
Available data (Gravimetry – Tomography) #3 n.a.
Available data (Geochemistry) #1 Gil-Márquez, J. M., Mudarra, M., Andreo, B., Linares, L., Carrasco, F., & Benavente, J., 2016. Hydrogeological characterization of the Salinas-Los Hoyos evaporitic karst (Malaga province, S Spain) using topographic, hydrodynamic, hydrochemical and isotopic methods. Acta Carsologica, 45(2). [link]
Available data (Geochemistry) #2 Calaforra, J.M., Pulido-Bosch, A., 1993. The hydrochemistry and morphology of the triassic gypsum in the Salinas-Fuente Camacho Area (Granada). In: Pulido-Bosch, A. (ed.) Some Spanish Karstic Aquifers. University of Granada, pp. 387–389, Granada. [link]
Available data (Geochemistry) #3 Ortí, F., García-Veigas, J., Rossell, L., Jurado, M. J., Utrilla, R., 1996. Formaciones salinas de las cuencas triásicas en la Península Ibérica: Caracterización Petrológica y Geoquímica. Cuadernos de Geología Ibérica, 20, 13-35. [link]
Available data (Geochemistry) #4 n.a.
Available data (Petrophysics) #1 n.a.
Available data (Petrophysics) #2 n.a.
IGME Geological Map (MAGNA50) Sheet number 1024-Archidona. [link]
Other Maps #1 (source) Gil-Márquez, J. M., Mudarra, M., Andreo, B., Linares, L., Carrasco, F., & Benavente, J., 2016. Hydrogeological characterization of the Salinas-Los Hoyos evaporitic karst (Malaga province, S Spain) using topographic, hydrodynamic, hydrochemical and isotopic methods. Acta Carsologica, 45(2). [link]
Other Maps #2 (source) Gil-Márquez, J. M., Mudarra, M., Andreo, B., Linares, L., Carrasco, F., & Benavente, J., 2016. Hydrogeological characterization of the Salinas-Los Hoyos evaporitic karst (Malaga province, S Spain) using topographic, hydrodynamic, hydrochemical and isotopic methods. Acta Carsologica, 45(2). [link]
Other related references #1 Carrasco F., 1986. Contribución al conocimiento de la cuenca alta del río Guadalhorce. El medio físico. Hidrogeoquímica [PhD thesis]: University of Granada, pp. 435. [link]
Other related references #2 Linares, L., 2008. Lagunas y humedales andaluces relacionados con surgencias. In: A. Castillo (ed.) Manantiales de Andalucía. Agencia Andaluza del Agua, Consejería de Medio Ambiente, Junta de Andalucía, pp.156–171, Sevilla.
Other related references #3 Rodríguez-Rodríguez, M., Moral, F., Benavente, J., 2007. Hydro-morphological characteristics and hydrogeological functioning of a wetland system: A case study in southern Spain. Environmental Geology, 52, 1375–1386. [link]
Other related references #4 n.a.