General Information

Structure type
Geological Setting ,
Evaporite unit/s name
Evaporite unit/s age
Evaporite unit/s origin
Classif. (Hudec and Jackson, 2009)
Classif. (Jackson and Talbot, 1986) , ,
Age of evaporite flow or deformation (when deformed) , , ,
Other comments Welded near the surface (see cross-section). Halokinesis and growing stages reinterpreted by Vergés et al. (2020) and considered in this work.



Map (detail)


Geological map


Cross section


Structure type (Hudec and Jackson, 2009)


Regional Stratigraphy


Other maps 1


Other maps 2

Generic Data

Unique ID 67
Name Miravete
Structure type Evaporite-cored anticline
Deformed/Undeformed Deformed
Buried/Outcropping Partially buried
Geological setting Iberian Range
Geological Regional Setting Maestrat Basin
Evaporite unit/s name Keuper facies
Evaporite unit/s age Carnian-Rhaetian (Upper Triassic)
Evaporite unit/s era Mesozoic
Evaporite unit/s origin Marine
Evaporite unit/s composition Shale-Gypsum-Anhydrite
Post-kinematic unit/s (or post-evaporite units when evaporites are undeformed)  Quaternary (alluvial and colluvial detrital deposits)
Post-kinematic unit/s age (or post-evaporite units when evaporites are undeformed) Pleistocene-Holocene
Classification (Hudec and Jackson, 2009) Passive piercement
Classification (Jackson and Talbot, 1986) Salt anticline / Salt wall
Mining activity? N
Mining activity start
Mining activity end
Mining galleries?
Mining products
Mining sub-products
Evaporite flow? Y
Age of evaporite flow Jurassic (early salt mobilization) ; Upper Valanginian-Upper Albian (main stage) ; Late Campanian-Early Oligocene (rejuvenation stage) ; Miocene (rejuvenation stage)
Flow or deformation triggering mechanisms Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous rift and Alpine inversion of listric normal faults
Flow-linked structures? Y
Halokinetic structures Thickness variations / progressive unconformities
Post-evaporite and pre-kinematic unit/s (overbuden) Late Cretaceous (Mosqueruela, Barranco de los Degollados, La Cañadilla and Fortanete Fms., limestones, dolostones and marlstones)
Syn-kinematic unit/s Early Jurassic (Cortes de Tajuña and Cuevas Labradas Fm., limestones and dolostones) ; Late Jurassic (Loriguilla, Higueruelas and Arzobispo Fms., limestones and sandy limestones) ; Hauterivian (El Castellar Fm., limestones and sandstones) ; Barremian (Camarillas, Artoles, Morella and Xert Fms., clays, sandstones, marlstones, limestones) ; Early Aptian (Forcall and Villaroya de los Pinares Fms., marlstones, limestones and nodular limestones) ; Late Aptian (Benassal Fm., marlstone, limestone, nodular limestone) Albian (Escucha and Utrillas Fms., sandstones and claystones) ; Paleogene-Miocene (conglomerates and sandstones)
Available seismic profiles
Available boreholes ALIAGA
Additional comments Welded near the surface (see cross-section). Halokinesis and growing stages reinterpreted by Vergés et al. (2020) and considered in this work.

Mining Data

Minning exploitations within <2km? N
Exploitation name #1
Exploitation ID (Spanish National Mining Cadastre) #1
Municipality #1
Province #1
Company #1
Main minning Products #1
Exploitation name #2
Exploitation ID (Spanish National Mining Cadastre) #2
Municipality #2
Province #2
Company #2
Main minning Products #2
Exploitation name #3
Exploitation ID (Spanish National Mining Cadastre) #3
Municipality #3
Province #3
Company #3
Main minning Products #3

Quantitative Data

Outcropping area (km2) 0.6792
Horizontal intersection area (km2) (when buried) Not buried
Depth of intersection area (km2) (when buried) Not buried
Max. Width (Km) 7.20751153
Max. Length (Km) 1.49649332
Max. Evaporites thickness (km) 2.5
Max. Deformation age (Ma) 201
Min. Deformation age (Ma) 5
Deformation stages 4

Reference Data

Section source Vergés, J., Poprawski, Y., Almar, Y., Drzewiecki, P. A., Moragas, M., Bover‐Arnal, T., …, Hunt, D., 2020. Tectono‐Sedimentary Evolution of Jurassic‐Cretaceous diapiric structures: Miravete anticline, Maestrat Basin, Spain. Basin Research, 1-55. [link]
Well / Borehole availability #1 n.a.
Well / Borehole availability #2 n.a.
Available data (Stratigraphy) #1 Embry, J. C., Vennin, E., Van Buchem, F. S. P., Schroeder, R., Pierre, C., Aurell, M., 2010. Sequence stratigraphy and carbon isotope stratigraphy of an Aptian mixed carbonate-siliciclastic platform to basin transition (Galve sub-basin, NE Spain). Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 329(1), 113-143. [link]
Available data (Stratigraphy) #2 Aurell, M., Bádenas, B., Gasca, J. M., Canudo, J. I., Liesa, C. L., Soria, A. R., …, Najes, L., 2016. Stratigraphy and evolution of the Galve sub-basin (Spain) in the middle Tithonian–early Barremian: implications for the setting and age of some dinosaur fossil sites. Cretaceous Research, 65, 138-162. [link]
Available data (Stratigraphy) #3 Vergés, J., Poprawski, Y., Almar, Y., Drzewiecki, P. A., Moragas, M., Bover‐Arnal, T., …, Hunt, D., 2020. Tectono‐Sedimentary Evolution of Jurassic‐Cretaceous diapiric structures: Miravete anticline, Maestrat Basin, Spain. Basin Research, 1-55. [link]
Available data (Stratigraphy) #4 Bover-Arnal, T., Moreno-Bedmar, J. A., Frijia, G., Pascual-Cebrian, E., Salas, R., 2016. Chronostratigraphy of the Barremian–Early Albian of the Maestrat Basin (E Iberian Peninsula): integrating strontium-isotope stratigraphy and ammonoid biostratigraphy. Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 49(1), 41-68. [link]
Available data (Stratigraphy) #5 Meléndez, N., Liesa, C. L., Soria, A. R., Meléndez, A., 2009. Lacustrine system evolution during early rifting: el Castellar formation (Galve sub-basin, Central Iberian Chain). Sedimentary Geology, 222(1-2), 64-77. [link]
Available data (Stratigraphy) #6 Navarrete, R., Rodríguez-López, J. P., Liesa, C. L., Soria, A. R., Fernanda de Mesquita, L. V., 2013. Changing physiography of rift basins as a control on the evolution of mixed siliciclastic–carbonate back-barrier systems (Barremian Iberian Basin, Spain). Sedimentary Geology, 289, 40-61. [link]
Regional Stratigraphy Vergés, J., Poprawski, Y., Almar, Y., Drzewiecki, P. A., Moragas, M., Bover‐Arnal, T., …, Hunt, D., 2020. Tectono‐Sedimentary Evolution of Jurassic‐Cretaceous diapiric structures: Miravete anticline, Maestrat Basin, Spain. Basin Research, 1-55. [link]
Seismic data availability #1 n.a.
Seismic data availability #2 n.a.
Seismic data availability #3 n.a.
Available data (Structure) #1 Vergés, J., Poprawski, Y., Almar, Y., Drzewiecki, P. A., Moragas, M., Bover‐Arnal, T., …, Hunt, D., 2020. Tectono‐Sedimentary Evolution of Jurassic‐Cretaceous diapiric structures: Miravete anticline, Maestrat Basin, Spain. Basin Research, 1-55. [link]
Available data (Structure) #2 Liesa, C. L., Casas, A. M., Simón, J. L., 2018. La tectónica de inversión en una región intraplaca: La Cordillera Ibérica. Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España, 31(2), 23-50. [link]
Available data (Structure) #3 Simón, J. L., 2004. Superposed buckle folding in the eastern Iberian Chain, Spain. Journal of Structural Geology, 26(8), 1447-1464. [link]
Available data (Structure) #4 Liesa, C. L., Soria, A. R., Meléndez, N., Meléndez, A., 2006. Extensional fault control on the sedimentation patterns in a continental rift basin: El Castellar Formation, Galve sub-basin, Spain. Journal of the Geological Society, 163(3), 487-498. [link]
Available data (Structure) #5 Salas, R., Guimerà, J., Mas, R., Martin-closas, C., Meléndez, A., Alonso, A., 2001. Evolution of the Mesozoic Central Iberian Rift System and its Cainozoic inversion (Iberian chain). In P. A. Ziegler, W. Cavazza, A. H. F. Robertson, & S. Crasquin-Soleau (Eds), Peritethys memoir 6: Peri-tethyan riftiwrench basins and passive margins. Mem. M, 186, 145–185. [link]
Available data (Structure) #6 Simón, J. L., Liesa, C. L., 2011. Incremental slip history of a thrust: diverse transport directions and internal folding of the Utrillas thrust sheet (NE Iberian Chain, Spain). Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 349(1), 77-97. [link]
Available data (Analogue modelling) #1 n.a.
Available data (Analogue modelling) #2 n.a.
Available data (Analogue modelling) #3 n.a.
Available data (Gravimetry – Tomography) #1 Ayala, C., Bohoyo, F., Maestro, A., Reguera, M. I., Torne, M., Rubio, F., Fernández, M., García-Lobón, J. L., 2016. Updated Bouguer anomalies of the Iberian Peninsula: a new perspective to interpret the regional geology. Journal of Maps, 12(5), 1089-1092. [link]
Available data (Gravimetry – Tomography) #2 n.a.
Available data (Gravimetry – Tomography) #3 n.a.
Available data (Geochemistry) #1 n.a.
Available data (Geochemistry) #2 n.a.
Available data (Geochemistry) #3 n.a.
Available data (Geochemistry) #4 n.a.
Available data (Petrophysics) #1 n.a.
Available data (Petrophysics) #2 n.a.
IGME Geological Map (MAGNA50) Sheet number 543-Villarluengo. [link]
Other Maps #1 (source) Guimerà, J. J., 2018. Structure of an intraplate fold-and-thrust belt: The Iberian Chain. A synthesis. Geologica Acta, 16(4), 427-438. [link]
Other Maps #2 (source) Vergés, J., Poprawski, Y., Almar, Y., Drzewiecki, P. A., Moragas, M., Bover‐Arnal, T., …, Hunt, D., 2020. Tectono‐Sedimentary Evolution of Jurassic‐Cretaceous diapiric structures: Miravete anticline, Maestrat Basin, Spain. Basin Research, 1-55. [link]
Other related references #1 Navarrete, R., Liesa, C. L., Castanera, D., Soria, A. R., Rodríguez-López, J. P., Canudo, J. I., 2014. A thick Tethyan multi-bed tsunami deposit preserving a dinosaur megatracksite within a coastal lagoon (Barremian, eastern Spain). Sedimentary Geology, 313, 105-127. [link]
Other related references #2 Peropadre, C., Liesa, C. L., Meléndez, N., 2013. High-frequency, moderate to high-amplitude sea-level oscillations during the late Early Aptian: Insights into the Mid-Aptian event (Galve sub-basin, Spain). Sedimentary Geology, 294, 233-250. [link]
Other related references #3 Salas, R., Guimerà, J., 1996. Rasgos estructurales principales de la cuenca cretácica inferior del Maestrazgo (Cordillera Ibérica oriental). Geogaceta, 20(7), 1704-1706. [link]
Other related references #4 n.a.